Whitely Neighborhood Association Membership comes with perks!

become a member

Become a member of the largest family in Muncie! Purchasing a neighborhood association membership shows your support for families, education, and community development in the Whitely neighborhood and directly supports beautification efforts!

Memberships are available to:

  • Individuals
  • Families
  • Churches
  • Businesses
  • Non-Residents
  • Volunteers
  • Supporters of the Whitely Community Council
  • Anyone!

The Purchase of a Whitely Neighborhood Membership Support the Following:

  • The WCC Tool Shed: Members enjoy full use of the Whitely Neighborhood Tool Shed!
  • Purchase of Equipment: Memberships help the neighborhood association make purchases of lawn equipment for beautification efforts and repairs on equipment when needed.
  • Beautification Efforts: Memberships support the Spring and Fall Neighborhood Cleanups and any additional beautification events in the Whitely Neighborhood.
  • Yard of the Month Program: Memberships support the Whitely “Yard of the Month” program which awards a Whitely resident the following:
    • A gift card to Lowes for home & yard improvement
    • Yard sign for the YOM winner (relocated monthly)
    • A plant or ornament for the winner to place on their porch or in the yard.

Residents can nominate their neighbors by emailing their address to [email protected].